My Life & Tech: Part 2: My Fintech Discovery
As i write this at 5am, I do sometimes wonder whether choosing to study finance was the right decision. It’s a a highly rewarding course but the schedule can be a…
How to create an opportunity from an empty seat
Written by Raphael Fonseca, Global Ambassador and Masters in International Marketing student Class of 2018. You are probably wondering why empty chairs and opportunities are connected, but I promise that…
What do Hult and the Hult Prize have in common?
Written by Global Ambassador, Adwoa Benefaa Ofori, Class of 2017 Master of International Business student, Dubai Campus The Hult Prize Foundation was started in 2010. The Hult Prize’s vision is…
Should I stay or should I go?
Written by Bernardo Perrone, Hult Executive MBA Class of 2017, and originally posted here on LinkedIn. The Hult EMBA experience What does a song by The Clash have to do…
Tips for the next #GlobalGeneration from the Undergraduate Class of 2017
Written by the Undergraduate Class of 2017, Hult San Francisco and London campus. The time has come again to bid fair winds and following seas to the graduating class of…
What a “global mindset” really means
Written by Emily Vondrak, Global Ambassador and Masters student. Hult Boston Class of 2017. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while,…