Our global faculty hail from over 45 countries and bring with them a wealth of business experience as CEOs, consultants, and entrepreneurs. Every year at graduation, we celebrate our professors with the “Professor of the Year” awards, as voted for by Hult students. This blog series features each of the 2017 award winners and how their experience influences their unique teaching style.
Boston—Masters in International Marketing program
The Professor of the Year Award for our Masters in International Marketing program, Boston campus, was awarded to Professor of Marketing Steve Hurley. Steve teaches on Hult’s EMBA, MBA, and Masters programs across our Boston, San Francisco, Dubai, and New York campus locations. With 20 years’ experience as a senior management consultant with Arthur D. Little Inc., ten years as VP of ITSMA (the world’s leading association for marketers at technology companies), and another ten years as Managing Director and founder of consulting firm Solutions Insights, Inc., it’s safe to say Steve knows a thing or two about marketing.
“Solutions Marketing with Professor Steve Hurley was always so lively and thought-provoking.”
-Jussara Nunes, EMBA Class of 2017
Digital Marketing Manager, BNP Paribas
Hi Steve, and congratulations on the teaching award! How would you say your professional experience influences your teaching style?
My consulting firm is very active in providing assistance to large technology companies—particularly in areas relating to solutions. The challenges that I bring to the classroom are often those that my partners or I are currently facing, so students get to grapple with relevant issues that are important today. I also visit and speak at numerous marketing conferences, which gives me a lot of ideas to take back to the class. Finally, I have conducted business in 67 countries around the world, so I would like to think that I can offer a global perspective!
“Students learn best when they have fun. Anything I can do to keep them relaxed, smiling, and laughing helps to keep them engaged and energized.”
-Steve Hurley, Professor of Marketing
What do you think students appreciate about your teaching style?
I have several teaching principles. I would say my top three are: 1) Students learn best when they have fun: Anything I can do to keep them relaxed, smiling, and laughing helps to keep them engaged and energized. 2) Students learn best when they talk and share ideas with each other: I probably break students into small discussion groups around ten times per class. 3) Students only learn if they are 100% engaged in the classroom discussions and activities: I don’t allow personal use of electronics during my classes and I think my students (secretly) appreciate this!
How would you describe Hult students?
Hult students have a thirst for knowledge. They’re independent, brave, and passionate about tackling global issues. Hult is unique in its student diversity and practically experienced faculty, and I wouldn’t teach anywhere else!
More about Steve
Courses Steve teaches at Hult
International Marketing
Solutions Marketing
Sales Management