Hult Executive MBA ranked 53rd best worldwide by The Economist’s Which MBA?

We’re proud to announce that Hult International Business School’s Global Executive MBA was ranked #53 in The Economist’s Which MBA? 2020 Executive MBA ranking, maintaining our 2018 position.
The Economist reviews and ranks EMBA programs on two broad measures: educational experience and career development. In the subcategories, we stood out for our global reach and diversity, in terms of the number of industries our students are working in, the diversity of our students themselves, and the geographical spread of our students.
In key subcategories, the Hult EMBA was ranked:
– #1 for Student & Faculty Diversity
– #2 for Geographic Diversity, up 1 place
– #4 for Overseas Alumni Branches, up 1 place
– #7 for Gender Balance for Students, up 10 places
Other notable categories:
– #12 for Student rating of Program Content
– #14 for Student rating of the Relevance of the Program, up 9 places
– #23 for Student rating of Teaching Quality, up 14 places
The Hult EMBA program is also ranked by the Financial Times, at #70 best Executive MBA program in the world (2019).
In recent years, a number of other prestigious publications, including Forbes, Financial Times, and Bloomberg Businessweek, also took notice of our innovative curriculum and impressive alumni career outcomes, with Hult International Business School ranking among top business schools globally. See more about Hult rankings.
Learn to thrive amid uncertainty with a Masters in International Business from Hult. Give your employability a huge boost with an MBA in international business. Get in touch today to find out how Hult can help you adapt to the new ways of conducting global business.