Master of Her Own Message
Your greatest asset? Yourself. While treading a relentless path to “success”, Arielle Shnaidman realized she no longer recognized her destination. A little introspection and a career pivot later, she is thriving as a brand and messaging coach, helping ambitious women everywhere assert their worth.
Business & Mindset Coach
Masters in International Marketing
Class of 2015
New York City, US
What prompted you to start a business in coaching?
Instead of leaning into my natural qualities and gifts, I was pushing myself to be “more this”, “more that”—more “masculine”. I never thought I was good enough. This time last year I was on the verge of a panic attack when I realized the ladder I was so busy climbing was leading me somewhere I didn’t even want to go. I didn’t want to become a director or VP of marketing, yet I was running myself into the ground for it. I started getting clear on what my vision for my career, my life, and myself was: I wanted to use my marketing skills and natural talents to empower entrepreneurial women.
What have you learned from your badass clients?
That we all have unique talents to share with the world. We just need to muster the courage to bet on ourselves and seek out the support we need to make our vision real. We all have a “secret sauce”—an X factor that makes us powerful and highly valuable in the market. The difference for my clients is that they have decided to invest in themselves and move forward, despite their fear. They have reminded me that as long we trust our ability to figure it out, anything is possible.
Where do you look for inspiration and community?
When I started my business, I didn’t have many people in my corner doing the same. I felt a bit isolated and lonely, and needed to surround myself with other women embarking on the path less traveled. So I set out to connect. I’m a part of a few Slack communities like Work Brighter and Ladies Get Paid; I’m a member of The Wing; and I’ve found other entrepreneurs who I now consider dear friends through Instagram. Community doesn’t just happen, you need to seek it out and invest in it.
What does the future of work look like?
I think freelancing and entrepreneurship will become even more popular. The cost of living in cities continues to skyrocket, and the jobs we thought were safe are turning out not to be. I think people will start betting on themselves more and taking their earning potential into their own hands. More people want multiple streams of income, more flexibility, and more agency in their lives. With all of the technology tools and co-working spaces we see popping up, it’s making “solopreneurship” easier and more appealing than ever.
Read more from our 25,000+ alumni network in Hult Alumni Magazine 2020.