San Francisco was created by entrepreneurs during the California Gold Rush in the 1860s. The city was built practically overnight by the thousands of men and women coming from all around the world hoping to hit gold and become rich overnight.
In more recent times, the gold being mined is not found in cold mountain rivers, but in computer hardware and software. In fact, today it’s hard to find any place on the planet that hasn’t been majorly impacted by the technology coming out of the Bay Area and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
Disruptive technologies
In the Valley itself, innovation is the determining factor between success and failure. New disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Blockchain Technologies and Driverless Vehicles, to name a few, will become driving forces for the world of tomorrow. And if you are successful, the rewards are enormous.
Apple recently hit the one-trillion valuation mark with Amazon climbing up not too far behind. Venture capitalism pours millions of dollars into start-up companies competing to survive in a brutal market. Start-ups, likewise, reap big rewards when they are bought out… or better yet, grow into fully developed companies.
Business models, mirroring the technology coming out of Silicon Valley, must also innovate in order to remain relevant. In an article written in Fortune magazine, PwC predicts that 40% of U.S. jobs may be given to robots by 2030. How can business meet the demands of this change yet to come? The answer lies in the preparation of new generations waiting to take over. Namely, teaching business in a relevant and forward-thinking manner.
“There’s a high demand in Silicon Valley for business leaders that are well versed in cutting-edge technology and able to use that knowledge to drive growth in their industry.”
The change is yet to come
Today, there is a high demand in Silicon Valley for business leaders that are well versed in cutting-edge technology and able to use that knowledge to drive growth in their industry.
Dylan Fox is an entrepreneur who founded Assembly AI, an applied artificial intelligence company that uses Deep Learning to develop an extremely accurate Speech Recognition Engine. “Right now, the main thing I want when looking at business hires is a culture fit, willingness to learn fast, and experience either in our industry or at startups. For example, I wouldn’t hire someone with 10+ years experiences right now to our team. At this stage, I prefer to hire outsiders who will look at the challenges with fresh eyes as opposed to a ‘this is how things should be done’ approach.
Dylan’s sentiment towards new business hires mirrors what many entrepreneurs are looking for: employees who are able to provide new perspectives and solutions for companies that are tackling new business dilemmas.
Hult prepares students
Hult International Business School has developed a curriculum for its undergraduate students that is both global and cutting edge. It goes beyond business by preparing students for a career path in a market that is ever-changing and volatile. Students develop their skills in a hands-on learning environment focusing on case studies and sometimes work directly with real companies in the classroom. To even further diversify itself, Hult’s campuses are located in the hearts of some of the most innovative cities in the world: San Francisco, Boston, London, Dubai, and Shanghai.
“Speakers from leading companies such as Apple, Google, and Facebook come to campus and discuss the impact of disruptive technologies with students.”
An innovative spirit
For the San Francisco campus, this innovative spirit is especially true with Silicon Valley right at its doorstep. “Whether it was a fireside chat, recruitment session, or panel, the campus has been buzzing.” explains Paris Badat, the Corporate Relations Manager at Hult San Francisco, “In September we brought an alumnus from Twitter for a fireside chat. She talked about her time at Hult, her career journey since graduation, and how she landed a role at Twitter. In Mid-October we also hosted a virtual recruitment session with Microsoft. A global recruiter gave our students a glimpse into what it’s like to work at Microsoft and provided us with valuable insight into how Hult students can land a leadership role in their home country. A few more amazing career events included panelists from both Cisco and Google as well as an alumnus from Tesla.”
A week of disruption
During Hult’s annual ‘week of disruption’ held in November, speakers from leading companies such as Apple, Google, and Facebook come to campus and discuss the impact and significance of disruptive technologies with students. Students are also brought off campus to tour and network with companies such as Cisco and Tesla, as well as various start-up companies ready to make their mark. On top of this, Hult offers graduate diploma courses in Computer Science and Design. These courses are expertly manufactured for students who want a competitive edge to work for companies in these fields.
“Along with interview and resume preparation, the Hult careers team finds opportunities outside of the classroom to give students the hands-on experience they’ll need to get into the industry.”
Hands-on experience
To prepare students to face such demanding markets, the careers team in the San Francisco campus works one-on-one with students helping them to obtain the skills and experiences needed for success. Along with interview and resume preparation, the careers team finds opportunities outside of the classroom to give students the hands-on experiences they will need to get into the industry.
Most Hult students have at least two internships during their time at Hult. This is in part, because of Alli Hamilton and the other Career Development Advisors who help students to navigate the fast-paced environment in Silicon Valley.
When asked how she prepares business students to join the tech community, Hamilton answered “I encourage students to connect with some of the coding boot camps, and programs like General Assembly, for example, who offer free classes from time-to-time and put on panels and guest speakers. Pay attention to the companies you’re interested in, because sometimes they open their own doors to events, hackathons, and events for the general public. Take advantage of living close to the Valley and get off campus to attend tech-related conferences and meetups.”
“96% of Hult undergraduate alumni are employed or pursuing an advanced degree six months after graduation.”
Success in the tech world after graduation
The Hult careers team’s hard work yields results; 96% of Hult undergraduate alumni are employed or pursuing an advanced degree six months after graduation. Of these, the largest employer of Hult graduates is currently Tesla, a company known worldwide for being a leader in the autonomous vehicle revolution. In fact, Hult alumni find themselves joining a wide variety of tech companies. While many do find positions in the tech giants, many also opt to work for smaller start-up companies. This is especially true of students hoping to someday start a company of their own and want to gain a hands-on experience before doing so.
Be confident. Be prepared.
While there can only be speculation as to what the next new big technologies will emerge from Silicon Valley, there is a sense of confidence and preparedness seen in all Hult students. They have met with and collaborated with companies, voiced their ideas, and sometimes even started companies of their own. Unlike the entrepreneurs who founded San Francisco a few centuries ago, they don’t need luck to find gold; they can take it for themselves.
Curious to find out more about the experiences that await you as a student at Hult’s global campuses? Download a brochure.
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