If you’re planning on starting your degree in 2020, you’ll be well aware of the many steps involved in the admissions process. For prospective students, getting an application in by the deadline can often feel like the biggest hurdle. If you’ve already submitted your application and been offered a place—congratulations! But your admissions journey isn’t over yet. Your seat on campus isn’t secured until you’ve confirmed your place.
At Hult, our admissions process is designed to accommodate candidates joining us from every corner of the world. To facilitate a global intake of students, our process is slightly different from some traditional business schools.
- If you’re an incoming undergraduate, the deadline to confirm your place is May 1st.
- For MBA, EMBA, or Masters candidates, your confirmation deadline will be included in your offer letter—usually around one month after you’ve been accepted, but sometimes sooner.
Deadlines aside, you can confirm your place as soon as you’ve decided Hult is right for you. If you already have an offer letter in hand, here are just a few reasons why you’ll want to confirm ASAP:
Confirmation helps you secure your campus of choice
When you’re accepted at Hult, you’re not only offered a place on a degree, you’re also offered a place on one of our global campuses. You’ll have nominated a home campus as part of your application—confirmation of acceptance also confirms a place for you on your campus of choice.
Remember, you’re competing against students from all over the world for a limited number of seats on each campus. If you leave it until past the deadline to confirm, you risk missing out on your nominated home campus.
A confirmed offer gives you more time to organize your finances and secure funding
Having a concrete offer in hand and confirming your acceptance puts you in a good position to plan for the financial commitments to come. You may be eligible for student loans or grant opportunities, or other sources of financial aid. Your Enrollment Advisor can work with you to help you find the best option to fund your degree.
If you’re taking a career break for your studies, your employer might be willing to invest in your development by helping you with the cost of your degree, too. In many cases, it will be easier to explore this option seriously if you have secured a place on the program.
Confirmation of acceptance can kick off the visa process
Most Hult students will be studying outside of their home country. Depending on where you’re from and what campus you hope to study at, you’re likely to need a student visa. The process can be complex and time-consuming, so confirming early can give you a valuable head start.
The required documents, timeline, and application process will vary from country to country, so we encourage you to start the process as soon as possible. Our dedicated Visas & Compliance Team will be on hand to help once your place is confirmed.
Confirming ASAP gives you more time to make living arrangements and prepare for your arrival on campus
The vast majority of Hult students will be moving to a new city—and often, a new country—to study. The logistics of moving abroad demand a significant amount of advanced planning. You’ll want time to research your options and find the ideal home away from home for your studies.
If you’re an undergraduate and plan to live in Hult student accommodation, confirming your place sooner rather than later gives you a better chance of securing your first choice of housing. Often, demand for particular room types exceeds supply, so getting a head start can put you in a better position.
Once you confirm, you’ll get access to your Hult campus official Facebook group, where you can connect with other Hult students and begin preparing for the academic year ahead. If you’re a Masters, MBA, or EMBA student, you’ll also get access to the Career Fast Track program online. Here you’ll find resume advice, webinars on global employment trends, and more to prepare you for future success.
So, what are you waiting for?
If you’ve been accepted to Hult, secure your place now to get ahead the rest!