When I found Ashridge, what struck me was the modular structure of the program, its onsite teaching, and a cohort of other apprentice researchers and small tutor groups to exchange ideas and experience. This all contributes to a strong sense of community. I’m still regularly in touch with my group and supervisor today.

Andrew Mountfield

Doctorate in Organizational Change


Peter Windischhofer

Co-founder, Refurbed.de

I was looking for a dynamic master’s degree where I could gain real international experiences. So, I decided to take a year off from the corporate environment and pursue my master’s studies in Shanghai and San Francisco. After Hult, I knew I wanted to go back to Austria to work for a couple of years and get some experience before going into the startup work and life. Now I’ve founded my dream company with the perfect partner which I never would have met if I hadn’t studied at Hult.

Master's, Class of 2014


"We got intercultural communication and management experience at Hult. It has definitely helped us in the cross-cultural management of people from all over the world."

I was looking for a dynamic master’s degree where I could gain real international experiences. So, I decided to take a year off from the corporate environment and pursue my master’s studies in Shanghai and San Francisco. After Hult, I knew I wanted to go back to Austria to work for a couple of years and get some experience before going into the startup work and life. Now I’ve founded my dream company with the perfect partner which I never would have met if I hadn’t studied at Hult.

My rotation to San Francisco was what inspired me the most to get skilled up to later start my own business. I had a class with a professor that was the SEO manager at Airbnb, and I learned everything I know about digital marketing from him.

Peter Windischhofer

Co-founder, Refurbed.de

Master's, Class of 2014


Anna Katharina Höhn
Graduate Talent Program—Family Advisory, UBS
Class of 2021

“At the end of the day, Hult offers something that is very unique. You know your friends and family who have an international mindset are going to love the environment and the network. Having that international exposure and being able to jump campuses really makes it an experience that heavily academic schools just can’t provide. And being referred by someone who has actually been to Hult and can answer your questions honestly is a much more authentic feeling than being marketed to. I think the whole referral system works really well—it then feeds into a great alumni network.”