Coffee Chat with Hult

You're invited to connect with our enrollment advisors in person! Enjoy a cup of coffee and discover how Hult International Business School can transform your career.

Interested in a master’s program but have questions about your options? Join us for a coffee to get the opportunity to:

  • Speak directly with our advisors

  • Get answers to your questions about scholarships, admissions, and student life

  • Recieve personalized recommendations for your profile

Join us for a coffee in Mexico City

Coffee Chat with Hult

Register to join us today - space is limited!
Upcoming events:

Enrollment advisors are here to help

During this consultation, we will be available to take an in-depth look at your profile. The meeting will also give you an insight into how studying at Hult could fulfil your personal, academic and career goals. You will learn about our unique Global Campus Rotation program, application requirements, and upcoming application deadline and scholarship opportunities for our programs.


Hult MBA Enrollment